Saturday, November 1, 2014

Toadstools and Fairies

It has been fairly warm for so late into the fall and after several days of rain the conditions are such that these little visitors have popped in all around the wet grass and trees.

Toadstools love to grow where there are old wet tree roots and vegetation and we have plenty of that around here.  This is Chairman Meow who decided to take a walk around the yard with me.

We found toadstools of all sizes and shapes and different varieties nestled amongst the leaves and tufts of grass and twigs.  Some were in clusters and others stood alone.

 These remind me of  little china man hats.

It looks like something took a little nibble out of these. or perhaps it's a doorway into a fairy's house.

 All this one needs is for Alice to pull up a chair and set the table for tea.

This one looks like it came right out of a storybook.

 But this one is my favorite one of all.

Do you think if I stay very quiet and out of sight the fairies will come and play?

1 comment:

  1. You do have quite a variety there! I've never seen the red topped ones down here. Love that storybook illustration!
