Friday, October 27, 2017

Autumn Decorating

Another week has passed and I am looking out the window to  lovely blue skies.  As I gaze out from my deck I can see the Dogwood is now covered in leaves of gold, but the blustery cold winds and rain from earlier days have stripped the maple of all its leafy color.  The Inspector has covered the bench to protect it from the winter rains ahead. No more sitting under the trees until next spring.   The yard is slowly being put to bed.

 Even though the leaves are falling outside, that hasn't stopped me from bringing the joy of autumn color into the house.  My husband rolls his eyes a bit when I start bringing out all the boxes, but I do love to decorate.


But then I have been blessed to have such  lovely rooms in which to do it.  Who would have thought that this old rambler, filled with spiders and mice when we moved in 31 years ago would eventually become this wonderful gem we call home?  It took us many years to get to this point, but God was and God is good.

Next time I decorate it will be the Advent and Christmas season, but I'm glad I still have another month  and the Thanksgiving Holiday in which to enjoy the colors of fall.  Blessings to you and yours.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Thankful Thursday - Fall Changes

Goodness!  September is already long over and October is well on its way.  Fall is in the air everywhere we look. No more orange moons caused by the smoke lingering in the air from the wildfires.  At last the rains have returned to make the sky fresh and clean again.

The Virginia Creeper has turned red and is covered with little berries.

A few tendrils have escaped to begin climbing up the shade tree.  I will have to coax them back to where they belong.

I love looking out over the bench and watching the seasons change.  This is one of my favorite spots in the yard.  Two weeks ago the Flame Maple was just beginning to turn.

Even though the Dogwood tree is still green, soon it will be too wet and cold to sit outside on the bench.

The last of the summer flowers are still hanging on, bravely awaiting the first kiss of frost.

Meanwhile, over the last couple of weeks, the maple has, oh, so quickly, begun the gentle dropping of its leaves, its full glory will be gone much too soon.

Oh! How I love Autumn!  Thankful for eyes that see.


"Every Leaf speaks bliss
to me, fluttering from
the autumn tree."
Emily Bronte

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Thoughts and Prayers for Our Country

After spending a full week pretty much flat on my back in bed with a strained back, I really wanted to spend some time in front of  the computer talking about happy things, sharing about the end of summer and beginning of fall, but I find that it doesn't feel right not to address all that has been happening in the past few weeks and certainly these last couple of days.  

After watching and listening to the stories of the countless loss of life and homes from massive hurricanes and wild fires, we then had to share our horror as news of the terrible massacre in Las Vegas unfolded before us.  And our hearts are broken by the magnitude of evil in it, and the pain and suffering it has brought.  I share the fears of others that we have been here before and probably will be again someday. 

I have no theological answers to the questions of suffering.  I only know of the times I have suffered and I pray for those who are suffering now. I do know that God is everywhere present.  So, I choose to remember that God is not just on his throne way up there somewhere, impassively watching, but he is here right beside us right now.  So let us take our refuge in him.

Father, I pray for all those who are suffering pain and loss this day around our country and around the world.  Thank you for all those people who have stepped forward to help others in need and may they and we reflect your love.  Give wisdom to those in command.  And as we already see the dark clouds of anger and dissent and accusation begin to form may we as your children bring light and peace to our conversations.  May we take the time to listen to one another even if we don't agree. Help us to share your love in our daily interactions and not just pass over those who are different from us.  May we remember this unity that we feel in the midst of tragedy and strive to find those areas where we can find common ground that honors each other and you, remembering to keep our eyes fixed on the things above.  Thank you for being our refuge and our strength. 

Whoever and wherever you are, may you know God's peace and may His blessings be with you this day.