Monday, May 6, 2024

Pretty in Pink

 While pink is not a color I would choose to wear or to decorate my home, seeing it outdoors is a different story. Here in the Northwest pink shows up in full glory during the spring.

It's rhododendron time and the bushes are decked out in a variety of pinks, from pink tipped white to deep rose.

 It's also apple blossom time.

 While walking along the lake a couple of weeks ago, I came upon this gorgeous flowering cherry tree all dressed in delicate pink.


Here is another variety of flowering cherry I found standing on the hillside overlooking Puget Sound from the Legion Park in Everett.

 The last of the pink tulips are still standing tall in my mother's garden.

 While pink is the primary color in the neighborhood at the moment, it wouldn't be spring without a splash of contrasting color.  So here is my Golden Chain Tree with its sunny yellow blossoms cascading over the white petals on the bushes below.


This is where I leave you for now. All blessings to each one who stops by.






  1. I must have missed your last blog post. It was interesting. Now that May is here we're enjoying warmer, sunnier days. Blessings dear Gloria and family.

  2. So many pretty blooms. I miss our rhododendron bushes that we enjoyed at our Kenmore home. Happy May to you!

  3. Beautiful, every picture. Like you I'm not into wearing pink, but flowers are a different story.

  4. Waving hi, as I make my blog rounds. Hope you're doing well.

  5. The colours of spring, beautiful. We have a park nearby which we usually visit to see their rhododendron display, it's amazing, but we missed it this year, I'm regretting that now after seeing your post.
