Saturday, April 27, 2024

Catching Up

 It has felt like a very long winter for me this year.  Three and a half months of watching over my mom has left me physically and emotionally drained.  Life has been a bit of a roller coaster, not unlike the way my early plants struggled to rise from the ground throughout the uncertain Spring weather. 

 Early Spring sunshine in late February encouraged the crocus to surge through in a burst of lavender and purple.

Only to see the ground frozen once again under a light covering of snow a few days later.

More snow fell the beginning of March, surprising my iris shoots.

 It's important though, to remember God is always present, especially in the hard things.

We celebrated Good Friday with our youngest son and wife at their church this year.  The church provided a bountiful feast, followed by communion and a Tenebrae service which was very moving.


The body and blood of Christ broken and shed for us!


Easter came. He has risen! He has risen indeed!

I didn't have the energy to put together a traditional Easter Dinner this year.  However, my DIL arranged this lovely snack board to go along with the simple meal everyone helped to prepare for the family. I am always impressed by her creative zeal.

As the month of April has gone along, I have slowly been catching up with myself.  My mother is safely back in her home with some extra help.  I am recovering from a heart procedure I had been putting off since the beginning of the year.  It had been weighing on my mind.  So I am very glad to have it behind me.  My emotions have been considerably lightened, and I am looking forward to the late spring and summer months ahead.

I hope to be able to visit here more often in the near future, but for now I will leave you with this picture of the flowers I placed on the church alter last week in celebration of our 50th wedding anniversary.  God is always good. May you know his blessings every day.




  1. Every blessing to you, your family and your mother Gloria.

  2. Crocuses blooming in the snow make a beautiful picture ( even if a late snow can be quite a surprise!). Thankfully your Mother is back in her home with some help, leaving you to recover from your health issues. May the Lord bless you and keep you well.

    1. Thank you! My recovery is going very well and Lord willing, in 6-8 weeks I will find out that it was a success.

  3. What a beautiful post - lots to take in there. I'm glad you have your heart procedure behind you- those concerns take up space in our minds, don't they? I simply love that photo of your Tennebrae service... I've never attended one, but this has me thinking it would be so meaningful to celebrate communion in this way, at a literal table. Amen to 'God is present, even in the hard things'. So good to remember when it's been a difficult day or week!

    1. Thank you. Yes, it is my faith that keeps me going in the day to day trials that come along.

  4. Exhaustion is a real thing. It was good to read that you were able to have the procedure you needed done, also that your mother is back in her home with help. That snack board is great. Happy 50th anniversary to you. We will celebrate that later this year. Christ is risen, indeed.

  5. It is hard to believe that 50 years have gone by. We are so thankful. We just had a small celebration for now with a big trip planned to Europe in the fall.
