For the past few days I have been feeling like I have accomplished very little since retiring. It just seems like there is so much to be done. Then I took the time to look on the calendar and realized that I have only been retired for three and a half weeks and as I have looked through some of my pictures I can see that I have accomplished more than I thought. Here are a few of the things I have been doing.
Our church has been in the middle of some remodeling. Some walls were taken down and offices moved around. This spring as the church's librarian, I was asked if I would consider moving our library from its present location to another space as part of that remodeling process. This was our original library.
Several years ago this room had been pretty much a classroom with a few bookshelves in it. I painted the walls, pulled together all the bookcases and unused furniture from around the church and turned it into a organized working library where people could come and quietly read or meditate. It has become a much used spot in the church. Now the room was needed for an office.
So I was given the challenge of turning this somewhat boring meeting room into a combination library/meeting space.

From the first day we moved into our house 30 years ago this tree has been part of the landscape. Towering 65 feet, green and lush, it was its own ecosystem, home to birds and squirrels. We even saw a raccoon or two hanging around in its branches from time to time. Suddenly for no reason that we have been able to figure out it began to die. By this summer it had become so brown and dry that we feared the possibility of it going up like a giant torch on the 4th of July. For our safety and the safety of our neighbors it had to be removed.
It was so sad to watch such a wonderful tree come down, but as you can see, there was no green left.
Removing the branches |
Taking the tree down in sections |
Making sure it falls the right direction. |
Right where it's supposed to land. |
Plenty of firewood for years to come. |
I am going to miss that big old tree but I am hoping it will be a good change, allowing the plants and trees around it light and space to grow and spread. Time will tell.
There is another smaller project I have been working on as well.
My daughter decided she wanted to learn how to knit an afghan from this ball of giant yarn. It's been a few years since I have knit anything and I wasn't all that great at it even then. I had to take a quick refresher course on YouTube before I could tackle it. I have never used such big needles or yarn before but together we are figuring it out. I think my daughter is going to enjoy snuggling into it when winter returns.
between these projects, there have been some doctor
appointments, yard work and even a couple of days visiting with family
in Oregon. I guess I really have been busier than I thought.
Please feel free to leave a comment. I always love hearing from everyone.
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