Friday, September 6, 2024

Woodland Park Zoo

I am still working on the photo download problem with my blog.  I have managed to get a few pictures off of my phone.  However, since I could only get them to download one at a time and things kept freezing up, it has been a slow and tedious process. It has taken me a month to get this done. Hope you enjoy them. 


 It's been quite a number of years since I have visited the Woodland Park Zoo. I used to go quite often to the San Diego Zoo with my family when I was a kid growing up. It was always an adventure.  So when my daughter's family came out here for a three week visit we decided it would be fun to go with all the children and grandchildren to Woodland Park for the day.  

My youngest son and wife recently acquired a season pass just to have a nice place to spend a couple of hours walking when they were in the mood.  I could certainly see why. It's a beautifully designed park with wonderful pathways leading to the various natural looking animal exhibits.

I think my favorite place was in the butterfly exhibit, so many different kinds fluttering around. We had to be checked before we left the room to be sure no one had hitched a ride on our way out!


Of course, the best part of the whole day was being able to spend  it with family.


Now as Summer has drawn to a close and Fall begins to make its entrance I pray each of you have enjoyed some wonderful summer memories with your loved ones as well.



  1. I'm sorry you are still having some difficulty loading photos. I certainly enjoyed the ones you posted today especially the ones of your grown children and the grandchildren. Wonderful memories were created💗.

  2. Great pictures. Sorry you're having such problems with getting them to load. Looks like everyone had a good time, a perfect way to end the summer. Would love to walk around there, quite pretty. Believe my favorite spot would also be the butterflies.

  3. It was good to see photos of family time at the zoo. Every blessing to you and your family.

  4. The Woodland Park Zoo is a wonderful outing for the family. It's been a few years since we were there. A great family shot! Happy September to you!
