Friday, January 12, 2018

The Work of Christmas

Hard to believe that Christmas was already almost three weeks ago. 

 The packages, piled high, have been opened.

Lights of Christmas at Warm Beach

The story of Mary and Joseph has been told.

Lights of Christmas, Warm Beach

The Angels have made their proclamation.

Jesus the Savior has come into the world!

And already the world has moved on.  The story has been all but forgotten as the tree has been taken down, the ornaments and lights packed away for another year, and people make their new year resolutions.  So what now?

Truthfully, I am not sure if I kept Christmas as well as I could have this year.  Certainly, we did some wonderful things during the season, visiting the lights at Warm Beach, taking our family for a winter weekend at Seaside (which I will share about more in another post), baking cookies and hosting the family Christmas dinner, and just enjoying all the festivities that the holiday season brings. I loved every minute of it, but I think perhaps I was a bit more of a Martha in a Martha world than a Mary.  

There was one moment though, when I took my mom to the Christmas concert at the beginning of Advent, and I heard a song I had never heard before.  Perhaps you have, but it was new to me.  I would like to share it with you here  The words have echoed in my heart and reminded me over and over that Christmas isn't done.  Christ is still here living in us and we are the light shining in the darkness because of him.


When the song of the angels is stilled,
when the star in the sky is gone,
when the kings and princes are home,
when the shepherds are back with their flocks,
the work of Christmas begins;
to find the lost,
to heal the broken,
to feed the hungry,
to release the prisoner,
to rebuild the nations,
to bring peace among the brothers,
to make music from the heart. 

Our Lord said whatever you have done for the least of my brothers you have done for me. (Matt. 25:40)

May this not be just a new year resolution, easily made and quickly forgotten but a way of life because God first loved us.

Wishing everyone a blessed and happy new year.  


  1. Thank you for sharing that beautiful song. I don't recall hearing it before either.

  2. Hello. I'm Pat and I discovered your lovely blog from Elizabeth's blog. Thank you for sharing this special song. Your blog brought back so many memories as I'm originally from Washington State but now live in southern California. My best wishes to you, Pat

    1. Hello Pat, so nice to meet you. I am just the opposite as I moved here from California. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words.

  3. Very meaningful words to that song that we should all heed! Nancy

  4. A very good reminder of who we are to be in Christ.
