Thursday, June 4, 2015

Thankful Thursday #10

 1.  The fresh smell of rain after a week of warm dry weather.  I love the way it cleans the air and washes the dust from the leaves.

2.  Having such a handy husband who enjoys doing things for his children.  Our daughter talked to him on Sunday about making a small bench that she could use with her makeup table.  When I came home from work on Monday he had already been to the hardware store, picked up what he needed and put it together, all ready for paint, padding and the material of her choice.  He's so sweet.

3.  After a particularly difficult year both professionally and personally, watching the children on the playground, hearing their laughter and feeling thankful that another school year is almost done.

4.  Having a pair of eagles stop to rest in a tall tree at the front of our yard one evening.  We have several nesting pairs in the area. Unfortunately it was getting dark.  Wish I could have gotten a closer shot.

5.  Spending an entire afternoon with good friends.  We walked all afternoon and then stopped for refreshment at the coffee shop. I will be sharing more of this day later. 

Counting the blessings. Hope you are too.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my. The Eagles. We don't have them, but only owls and hawks. How absolutely stunning.
