Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Visit to Olympia

Last weekend I took my mom down to Olympia to spend some time with family.  We visited with a cousin who has an apartment in the historic hillside area of the city overlooking the State Capital.  The view from her balcony is wonderful.  It looked especially lovely this day with sun shining down above the clouds.

 We decided to drive up to the Capital Building and take a look around although we didn't go inside as steps were way too much for my mom to attempt.  

The view from the capital park looks down over to the waterfront where the Deschutes River meets up with Budd Inlet at the very tip of Puget Sound.  On a very clear day I believe you can see the Olympic Mountains from here.

We decided to head down to the waterfront and take a short walk around the marina.

This art Gallery looked interesting so we stopped in to take a look.  You can see a reflection of me taking the photo.

I have always admired those people who have been given the gift of being able to take ordinary things and turn them into beautiful works of art. 

If I could have taken anything home with me it would have been these jellyfish.  There was just something about them that attracted me. I wish I had done a better job taking a photo of them.

 But all the art inside didn't compare with the beauty of the picture God had waiting for me outside and I almost missed it.  I was busy making sure my mom was all right, making sure I had all my stuff before I got into the car making sure I didn't step in a puddle and get my feet wet, when suddenly my cousin stopped and said, "Look Up"  And when I did this is what I saw..

  How often is it that we spend so much time with the business of our lives that we forget to look up?  This has been an especially difficult week filled with news I didn't want to hear and things I don't want to face.  Sometimes life gets so cloudy that we forget that the God who created us and all that is around us is right there watching over us as we take every step of every day of our lives.  And in the midst of the clouds of fear, sadness and despair his light is shining down illuminating the darkness and bringing peace and hope.
Look Up


  1. So many beautiful things in this blog, including the last paragraph. Yes, indeed, look up! The heavens declare the glory of God . . . no matter what is happening, He is always there and knows all about it.
    My acquisitive self is hankering after those beautiful polished pebbles - what colors. I suppose that could be a case when looking down also reveals God's glory, hidden behind dull color until the abrasive polishing process is applied to make the stones reveal their hidden beauty.
    I can understand why the jellyfish attract you with their graceful shapes and pretty colors.
    Prayers are coming your way for the situations causing distress, for all of you.

  2. I love how you ended this lovely post . . . God is always with us. As I walk through life I am always reminding myself . . . Fear not (Connie) God is with you. When looking back over our lives we can see that He has always been there . . . and we need to remember that He always will be. He loves us more that we have the capability of knowing. God bless you. You are in my prayers.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)
