Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Au Revoir

I always feel sad when someone's blog suddenly stops because I wonder what happened and if my blog friend is ok.  That is why I decided to check in with you today.  I returned last week after what was to be a three week family celebration.  I had expected to return to share either the rest of the photos from my river cruise last fall or new pictures of our time in Florida. Unfortunately, God had other plans for me.  

The second week of our trip I suddenly became dizzy and ill and I was taken by aide care to the nearest hospital.  There it was discovered that I was bleeding internally and I needed a blood transfusion and then emergency surgery to stop the bleeding and save my life.  I spent 12 days in the hospital where more tests were done and it was found that I have a large malignant tumor on my perfectly healthy liver which has puzzled the doctors but doesn't really change anything.  I was stabilized enough that I could fly home with the family last week.

I am now in the process of working with my specialists to create a plan for my treatment.  The Lord God is in control of this situation and I am resting in my faith in him to give me the courage and strength to fight this disease. My prayer for you is that the Lord will make himself known to you and that you would receive a measure of his grace each day.  It is also my hope and prayer that I will be able to return and begin to reconnect with you but for now I must bid you all.
