Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thankful Thursday #7

1.  My thoughts seem to be running towards the personal comfort of morning hot showers.  There is something so soothing about getting up on a cool morning and being able to just turn on a faucet then stand under a waterfall of steamy hot water and letting it just warm you to the bones.

2.  Follow that with a nice cup of tea.  I used to be a major coffee drinker and I do still enjoy a cup of decaf coffee at times ( gourmet of course)  However, since I no longer do the whole caffeine thing I have discovered there is an endless selection of different herbal and decaf teas to suit any mood I am in.  My daughter gave me a lovely little teapot for Christmas this year.  A cup of tea in a pretty little cup from a pretty little teapot is another one of those soothing morning comforts. 

3. One of the best things of the mornings though is standing at the dining room windows with a warm cup in my hand watching the day wake up.  Some mornings the sky is still dark and I can see the last morning star going over the horizon.  There are the lights of the places below where other people are just waking up to start the day.  Sometimes I can see the occasional lights of a car belonging to some early morning commuter heading to the city.

Then the sky begins to lighten and I can see the outlines of the mountains.  Some mornings they just look like shadows barely seen in the mist.  Other days they rise up starkly black outlined by a sky of red and orange.  Then suddenly the sun rises up over the tops and the morning has come.  It might be a day of clouds and rain or golden sunshine.  It might be a day that brings sorrow or joy or something in between.  I only know that God is on his throne and with the gift of this day he will be with me.  Blessed be the name of the Lord.

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