Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Pussy Willow

 After the unexpected late snowfall last week, it was fun to see the neighbor's pussy willow popping out with its fuzzy little catkins, so soft like a kitten's paw.



   Pussy Willow

      By Kate L. Brown

Pussy Willow wakened
From her winter nap,
For the frolic spring breeze
On her door would tap.

"It is chilly weather
Though the sun feels good.
I will wrap up warmly,
wear my furry hood."

 Mistress Pussy Willow
Opened wide her door.
Never had the sunshine
Seemed so bright before.

Happy little children
Cried with laugh and shout,
"Spring is coming, coming,
Pussy Willow's out."






  1. What fun to see that pussy willow. Pretty photos.

  2. I'm glad to know that the snow has gone and you are now seeing the signs of Spring. Lovely pictures of the pussy willow. The poem is new to me.

  3. In Russia on Palm Sunday, traditionally parishioners carry pussy willows to church instead of palm branches, which are rare to come by there evidently. I've got an old Easter card that was among our grandmother's things that features pussy willow too, from about 100 years ago. Not something we know here in SoCal!!

  4. I don't remember ever seeing one until after we moved here. Isn't it fun looking through all the old family things? You will have to send me a photo.
